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Fermentation in general

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Fermentation in general

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Questions & Answers

What is fermentation?

Fermentation is an age-old conservation technique for food and beverages. The shelf life, smell, colour, taste and structure change through the use of micro-organisms. 

What are micro-organisms?

 Micro-organisms, also called microbes, are extremely small single-celled organisms that occur everywhere in nature. Humans cannot live without micro-organisms, but there are both good and bad microbes. Within fermentation we mainly work with bacteria, yeasts and mould.

What are well-known fermented products?

Well-known fermented products are, for example, cheese, yogurt, pickles and sauerkraut. But coffee, chocolate and wine and beer are also fermented. 

Why is fermented food healthy?

Eating and drinking ferments regularly expands your microbiome( the collection of microbes in your bowl). In addition, the micro-organisms from your ferments pre-digest your food, thus making the food easier to digest and making nutrients (more) available for absorption in the human body.

What is the difference between fermentation and other preservation methods?

With fermentation you stimulate the healthy micro-organisms to grow and only the bad ones are eliminated. All other preservation methods kill all micro-organisms, including healthy ones. That is the reason why fermentation is the only method that makes your food more healthy.​

How do you sterilize the jars, bottles and other materials?

Sterilisation is not necessary at all with fermentation. Rinsing is sufficient. After all, you create an environment in which healthy bacteria will multiply and unhealthy bacteria will not survive. Furthermore you put unsterilised ingredients in your jars.

How do you know if the fermentation process has started?

When bubbles are being formed in your fermentation vessel and pressure is being build up. You will notice the latter when you carefully opening the jar. 



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